25 Outdoor Succulent Container Ideas that Resist Heat and Drought

25 Outdoor Succulent Container Ideas that Resist Heat and Drought

Many of the same succulents that make good houseplants will also thrive in containers outdoors. In pots, these plants often can take more heat and drought than many annuals, perennials, or tropicals. The following arrangements complement each variety's colors, forms, and textures, and each of them is easy to care for, thanks to being displayed in groups with similar moisture and light requirements. You can be as creative as you like with the containers, just as long as the vessel has drainage holes.

01 of 25

Double Dish Succulent Garden

Serve a big helping of succulents with this double dish garden. The multiple-container system ensures excellent drainage, as the inner pot sits on pebbles. The spreading shoots of pale sedum and pachyveria echo the stiff arching leaves of the variegated century plant. Artificial coral adds a decorative touch.

A. Pachyveria spp.—1

B. Pale sedum (Sedum sediforme)—2

C. Artificial coral

D. Variegated century plant (Agave americana 'Mediopicta')—1

E. Cobweb houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum)—1

F. Queen Victoria agave (Agave victoriae-reginae)—1

02 of 25

Sculpture on a Pedestal

Play up the architectural qualities of succulents in simple displays. To grab attention to the bold plant forms, place your arrangement on a pedestal of overturned pots. This container garden planted in an urn rests on a square upside-down black pot.

A. Dwarf century plant (Agave desmettiana)—1

B. Ice plant (Lampranthus deltoides)—3

C. Angelina sedum (Sedum rupestre 'Angelina')—3

03 of 25

Fiery Forces

A trio of creeping sedum and two varieties of hen-and-chicks makes an attractive low-growing grouping in this triangular metal container. When the sedum blooms yellow, the combo glows with warmth. These succulents are hardy to Zone 4, so in most regions, you can leave them outdoors. All are spreading groundcovers that will eventually creep over the edges of the container.

Test Garden Tip: Drill several holes in the bottom of containers to ensure good drainage for succulents.

A. Creeping sedum (Sedum sarmentosum)—1

B. Firebird hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum 'Firebird')—1

C. Glowing Embers hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum 'Glowing Embers')—1

04 of 25

Sleek Line Succulent

What could be a simpler succulent container garden idea than growing a solitary multistemmed yucca in a sleek contemporary container? 'Golden Sword' yucca is aptly named for its variegated yellow-striped leaves with razor-sharp edges. Grow it out of the traffic flow to avoid injury to guests, but place it where it'll receive at least six hours of direct sun per day.

A. Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword'—1

05 of 25

Urning their Keep

Pink blooms of 'Brilliant' showy sedum echo the pinkish purple cast of 'Perle von Nurnberg' echeveria, while string of beads tumbles over the edge of this succulent container. These plants fill the classic roles of thriller (showy sedum), filler (echeveria), and spiller (string of beads).

A. Brilliant showy sedum (Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant')—1

B. Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'—4

C. String of beads (Senecio rowleyanus)—1

D. Echeveria shaviana—2

06 of 25

Plant Tray

When creating a succulent container garden, it's important to think about the vessel you'll plant in. This attention-grabbing tray of echeverias, kalanchoe, and silver squill derives its showiness from variegated leaves and sculptural foliage. Most of the plants are rosette formers, so a flat saucer provides just the right scale for a spectacular display.

A. Echeveria 'Mauna Loa'—1

B. Graptoveria acaulis—2

C. Echeveria lilacina—1

D. Silver squill (Ledebouria socialis)—1

E. Paddle plant (Kalanchoe luciae)—1

07 of 25

Vintage Plant Container

A salvaged metal plant stand creates the impression of the scales of justice when outfitted with trailing succulents. The Madagascar senecio is related to string of beads, and burro's tail is in the same family as groundcover sedums. If pieces break off, root them to start new plants.

A. Madagascar senecio (Senecio antandroi)—1

B. Burro's tail (Sedum morganianum)—1

08 of 25

Echeveria Collection

This trio of echeverias in a pair of mismatched terra-cotta pots creates a stunning centerpiece on a stone slab. With more than 100 echeveria species and cultivars from which to choose, it's easy to create unique tabletop groupings of these easy-care succulents. The clump size of the spreaders increases over time, so if the plants become too crowded, divide and replant them.

A. Echeveria 'Golden Glow'—1

B. Echeveria elegans—1

C. Echeveria prolifica—2

09 of 25

Concrete Garden Accessories

Concrete serves as the unifying element in this collection of succulents. Each grows in its own pot, but by grouping the pots, the result is a dramatic display. The neutral grays and blacks of the containers allow the plants to star. A matching concrete sphere extends the theme.

A. Kalanchoe 'Flapjacks'—1

B. Sedum 'Matrona'—2

C. Kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos spp.)—1

D. Sticks on Fire euphorbia (Euphorbia tirucalli 'Sticks on Fire')—1

E. Canary Island aeonium (Aeonium canariensis)—1

10 of 25

Layered Garden

Soften sunbaked entry steps with containers of succulents. Group several pots together to lead visitors' eyes up to the entry. Unify the collection by repeating a plant in each container. Echeveria fills that role here. Include some trailing types, such as burro's tail, which cascades down the edge of the step.

A. Zebra haworthia (Haworthia fasciata)—1

B. Panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)—1

C. Echeveria elegans—2

D. Burro's tail (Sedum morganianum)—1

11 of 25

Tabletop Succulent Garden

A blue ceramic bowl holds a collection of small succulents, creating a tabletop centerpiece for the garden. A combination of rosette plant forms, an upright "pine" tree, and a sprawling succulent "vine" results in a pleasing grouping that will last for several years with little care.

A. Miniature pine tree (Crassula tetragona)—1

B. Tiger jaws (Faucaria tigrina)—1

C. Paddle plant (Cotyledon macrantha)—1

D. Narrow-leaf haworthia (Haworthia angustifolia)—1

E. Ox tongue (Gasteria verrucosa)—1

F. Variegated creeping crassula (Crassula sarmentosa variegata)—1

12 of 25

Cluster of Containers

For an easy grouping of low-maintenance succulents, arrange three containers of similar size on a table. Rosette forms, such as these echeverias and dyckia, are most effective when viewed from above, so they're the perfect choice for display on a low occasional table.

A. Dyckia marnier-lapostolle—1

B. Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'—1

C. Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy'—1

13 of 25

Creeping Container Plants

Silvery blue foliage is a good indicator that the plants will require little moisture to thrive. The ones in this shallow bowl echo the blue of the container. Stiff, grasslike stemless senecio and variegated Kamchatka sedum add vertical elements among the low-growing groundcovers.

A. Variegated Kamchatka sedum (Sedum kamtschaticum variegatum)—1

B. Jungle Fire hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum 'Jungle Fire')—1

C. Echeveria elegans—1

D. Sedum lydium—1

E. Stemless senecio (Senecio acaulis)—1

14 of 25

Succulent Mix

This dish garden contains both familiar and unique succulents. Some, such as the silver jade and warty panda plant, are close relatives of the more common green jade and panda plant. Medicinal aloe is renowned for its ability to soothe burns. Black mondo grass is usually considered a groundcover, rather than a succulent, but because it has low water needs, it works well in the mix.

A. Felt bush (Kalanchoe beharensis)—1

B. Harpoon daisy (Senecio cuneatus)—1

C. Moonstones (Pachyphytum oviferum)—1

D. Black mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens')—1

E. Silver dollar jade (Crassula arborescens)—1

F. Warty panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)—1

G. Medicinal aloe (Aloe vera)—1

15 of 25

Vintage Appeal

Surround a large-leaf succulent with a ring of rosette-forming ones for a quick container fix. For a decorative touch, mulch with dried sheet moss. Keep the moss dry, so it doesn't cause the succulents to develop stem rot. This vintage pedestal and bowl provide the perfect backdrop to the plants.

A. Ghost plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense)—7

B. Echeveria shaviana 'Mexican Hens'—1

C. Paddle plant (Kalanchoe luciae)—1

D. Lola echeveria (Echeveria 'Lola')—6

16 of 25

Delightful Dozen

Display a mix of succulents, still growing in their four-inch nursery pots, in a vintage wood carrying case. Move the plants around to vary the look, or switch them out with different varieties to keep the combination fresh. A thin mulch of sphagnum moss disguises the nursery containers.

A. Coral aloe (Aloe striata)—1

B. Stemless senecio (Senecio acaulis)—1

C. Sedum furfuraceum—1

D. Echeveria 'Easter Bonnet'—1

E. Watch chain plant (Crassula lycopodioides)—1

F. Zanzibar aloe (Aloe zanzibarica)—1

G. Ghost plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense)—1

H. Two-row sedum (Sedum spurium)—1

I. Sedeveria (Sedeveria spp.)—1

J. Felt bush (Kalanchoe beharensis)—1

K. String of buttons (Crassula conjuncta)—1

L. String of beads (Senecio rowleyanus)—1

17 of 25

Rosette Succulents

This combination of rosette-forming succulents makes a simple but elegant statement. Washed river rocks act as decorative mulch that echoes the bluish gray leaves of the echeveria. The strong lines of the metal grill provide a contrast to the rounded forms of the plants and the container.

A. Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum tectorum) — 1

B. Echeveria elegans — 1

C. Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum marmoratum) — 1

D. Aeonium 'Kiwi' — 1

E. Hairy houseleek (Sempervivum ciliatum) — 1

18 of 25

Barrel of Sedums

This collection of cold-hardy sedums flows out of a wooden barrel. Upright Autumn Joy sedum, which tops off the combination, will develop dusky pink blooms in late summer, after the yellow flowers of Kamchatka sedum have faded. As the season progresses, newly planted tricolor sedum and white blooming cup flower will grow to cover the sides of the barrel.

A. Sedum telephium 'Autumn Joy'—1

B. Russian stonecrop (Sedum kamtschaticum)—9

C. Tricolor two-row sedum (Sedum spurium 'Tricolor')—6

D. Cup flower (Nierembergia scoparia)—6

19 of 25

Mini Trough Garden

This collection of succulents balances upright forms with ruffly rosettes and trailers in a lightweight concrete-look trough garden. Sculptural twigs and a bird figurine complete the habitat. Smooth river stones serve as the pot's feet.

A. Red jade (Crassula coccinea)—1

B. Echeveria shaviana—1

C. Chinese sedum (Sedum tetractinum)—1

D. Flower dust plant (Kalanchoe pumila)—1

E. Turkish rosularia (Rosularia muratdaghensis)—1

F. Crassula pellucida—1

20 of 25

Faux Bois Feeder

Create a concrete faux bois trough planter filled with trailing burro's tail and echeverias to make a colorful, drought-tolerant display for a hot, sunny site. The texture-rich foliage of the succulents enhances the rough bark appearance of the container.

A. Hens-and-chicks echeveria (Echeveria imbricata)—2

B. Burro's tail (Sedum morganianum)—2

21 of 25

Two-Tiered Container Garden

Build a tiered planter to gain height and drama. In this container, a variegated century plant rises several inches above the level of the main matching pot. The small pot nestles in one corner of the large one, creating a riserlike effect. Large chunks of broken aquamarine glass fill gaps between the succulents.

A. Opal century plant (Agave americana 'Opal')—1

B. Pachyveria spp.—2

C. Echeveria shaviana 'Mexican Hens'—1

D. Burro's tail (Sedum morganianum)—1

E. Echeveria agavoides—1

F. Graptoveria 'Margaret Reppin'—1

G. Echeveria 'Afterglow'—1

H. Echeveria imbricata—2

I. Senecio mandraliscae—2

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Rounded Flower Pots

Circular clay containers create the perfect home for sedums and echeverias. The porous clay pot allows the plant's roots and soil to dry out quickly—this is key because succulents need well-drained soil to thrive. A soil mix specifically formulated for succulents is available to buy, however you can also make your own soil mixture to provide the essential drainage these plants need. An upright showy sedum anchors the large terra-cotta pot and is surrounded by clumps of echeveria. The trailing 'Angelina' sedum offers textural contrast and flows from a second, smaller container.

A. Showy stonecrop (Sedum spectabile)—1

B. Echeveria secunda—3

C. Angelina sedum (Sedum rupestre 'Angelina')—4

23 of 25

Collection of Succulents

A large timber post serves as an easy tabletop garden for a spectacular flower dust plant displaying its splendid pink blooms. Several containers of echeveria accompany this flowering kalanchoe. One pot mounts to the post by means of a plant hook. The others rest on board benches.

A. Flower dust plant (Kalanchoe pumila)—1

B. Echeveria imbricata—5

C. Echeveria secunda—3

24 of 25

Stone Trough Succulents

A mix of upright, rosette, and trailing succulents fill this round stone trough to overflowing. Aeonium, showy sedum, and silver dollar jade draw your attention upward, while sprawling sedums and variegated elephant bush trail over the edge of the container. Mounding Cuban Oregano, echeveria, and pachyveria do their best to fill in the gaps.

A. Tree aeonium (Aeonium arboreum)—1

B. Variegated showy sedum (Sedum spectabile)—1

C. Cuban oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus)—1

D. Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum spp.)—4

E. Echeveria runyonii 'Silver Spoons'—1

F. Sedum furfuraceum—3

G. Silver dollar jade (Crassula arborescens 'Blue Bird')—1

H. Variegated elephant bush (Portulacaria afra 'Variegata')—1

I. Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'—1

J. Pachyveria spp.—1

25 of 25

Sunken Container Garden

A shallow metal tray resting on a stone slab makes an attractive base for this outdoor decor project. Soil in the tray mounds for extra height to provide ample room for root growth. A bronze statuette tucked among the succulents creates a whimsical focal point.

A. Giant echeveria (Echeveria gibbiflora)—1

B. Echeveria shaviana—1

C. Echeveria elegans—1

D. Angelina sedum (Sedum rupestre 'Angelina')—1

E. Graptoveria spp.—1

F. Sedum spp.—1

G. Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum spp.)—1

H. Echeveria runyonii—2

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