15 Best Indoor Trees for Turning Your Home into a Serene Oasis

15 Best Indoor Trees for Turning Your Home into a Serene Oasis

When you're looking to really anchor a room or to add a bold leafy accent, decorating with indoor trees is a sure way to go. These easy-care tropical species offer a range of textures and sizes that you can mix and match with your space. In return for some light and water, these indoor trees will make an elegant architectural statement in any room.

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Alii Ficus

Prized for the long, slender green leaves that dangle gracefully from its branches, 'Alii' ficus (Ficus binnendijkii) makes an outstanding indoor tree. Tougher than other ficus species popular as houseplants, 'Alii' tolerates a variety of light conditions and doesn't shed leaves at the drop of a hat. Give it a try in your living room, bedroom, or office.

Light: Medium to bright indirect light

Water: Use room-temperature water when soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 8 feet tall

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Money Tree

Called a money tree (Pachira aquatica) because it's reputed to bring good luck, this plant has a slender trunk that often comes braided. Over time, the trunk thickens and becomes more interesting and textural. The shiny, hand-shape leaves of this native of Mexico and South America add a tropical feel to any decor. Although the tree can rocket up to 60 feet tall outdoors, it stays compact when treated as a houseplant.

Light: Bright to medium indirect light

Water: Keep soil slightly moist

Size: To 5 feet tall

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Weeping Fig

The graceful, slightly arching boughs of weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) are what make this gorgeous indoor tree so popular. The plants also have bright green, teardrop-shape leaves and smooth, charcoal gray bark on trunks that sometimes come braided. Weeping fig is available in almost any height; just keep it pruned to fit your decor. Know that it can throw a tantrum and start to drop its leaves when it experiences sudden changes to its environment, so keep it away from cold drafts and hot, dry air. It might also naturally drop a few leaves in the fall, due to lowering light levels.

Light: Bright indirect exposure

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 12 feet tall

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Ponytail Palm

If you need an indoor tree that doesn't make you feel guilty when you go on vacation, Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) might be just what you want. That's because this easy-care houseplant stores moisture in its bulbous base, so it can go weeks without being watered. The plant is also prized for cascading, strap-like leaves that never seem to wilt, even in hot, dry conditions. Ponytail palm is a slow grower, so if you want a tree, buy the largest one you can find. For the best results, don't let it get fried by the direct sun (a window facing east or west is ideal).

Light: Bright indirect exposure

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 6 feet tall

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Corn Plant

There's no mystery about how corn plant (Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana') came by its common name. The plant's broad, dark green leaves, highlighted with a lime-green band down the center, look a lot like sweet corn. It develops thick, cane-like stems as it grows. It's a super-easy houseplant that thrives in a wide range of light conditions (it can even be considered among indoor trees that don't need much light). To keep its lush leaves looking their best, give your corn plant a little liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks during the spring and summer.

Light: Low to bright indirect exposure

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 6 feet tall

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Madagascar Dragon Tree

Here's an indoor tree that matches any decor. Madagascar dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) produces narrow, grassy green leaves with red or pink margins. The plants come in a wide variety of forms, including single stem, double braid, triple braid, and clump. Madagascar dragon tree is relatively carefree and can survive in dark corners, though it might lose some of its red accents in dimmer light.

Light: Medium to bright indirect light

Water: When soil surface is dry

Size: To 6 feet tall

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Fiddle-leaf Fig

The big, bold leaves of fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) never fail to grab attention. This impressive tree produces masses of gigantic, dark green, and waxy violin-shape leaves. Because fiddle-leaf fig's leaves are so broad, they do require an occasional dusting, or shower, to keep them shiny. It's the perfect indoor tree for large living rooms or entries.

Light: Medium to bright indirect light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 10 feet tall

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Kentia Palm

The gold standard for indoor palms, Kentia (Howea forsteriana) is a snap to grow and very tolerant of a wide range of indoor conditions. You'll love its broad, dark-green fronds that add elegance to any room. Kentia grows slowly, so it won't need pruning or repotting very often, and will live longer than other species. In general, they cost a bit more than other palms, but they're worth the extra expense.

Light: Medium to bright indirect exposure

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 12 feet tall

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Yucca Cane

Hot, dry conditions are just right for yucca cane (Yucca elephantipes). A desert native, it's the perfect houseplant for forgetful owners. This handsome plant has bright green, sword-shape leaves on a thick, woody trunk. It's slow growing, so buy the tallest plant you can find, and fertilize it once or twice a year to keep it in top form.

Light: Bright direct light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 8 feet tall

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Commonly called umbrella plant, schefflera is a tropical shrub that's easily trimmed into a tree shape. It develops handsome, bright green or variegated hand-shape foliage on graceful, upright branches. Available in standard and dwarf forms, there's a schefflera to fit any size room. In darker conditions, it might get leggy and need some pruning to keep it compact. Inspect your plants every few weeks for pests such as spider mites, mealy bugs, or scale.

Light: Bright, slightly direct light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 6 feet tall

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Rubber Tree

When it comes to decorating with indoor trees, the large, gorgeous green, bronze, or variegated leaves on rubber trees (Ficus elastica) will make a bold statement in any room. These beauties are super-easy to grow, but over time, might become a bit leggy and require some minor pruning to encourage bushier growth.

Light: Bright indirect light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 8 feet tall

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Norfolk Island Pine

Celebrate the holidays all year long with a Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla). Frequently sold in November and December as living Christmas trees, these pyramidal plants make excellent indoor trees any time of year. Norfolk Island pine is a slow grower that develops soft, dark green needles along its horizontal branches. Over time, the lower branches might die back.

Light: Bright indirect exposure

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 8 feet tall

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Fishtail Palm

Tall arching branches covered in triangular, corrugated blue-green leaves are what make fishtail palm (Caryota mitis) a must-have indoor tree. It's a great choice for a bright location, such as a sunny kitchen, atrium, or family room. Like other palms, it likes to be watered when the surface of the soil feels dry, but because it's such a tough plant, it won't complain if you occasionally forget to give it a drink.

Light: Bright direct light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch, but it can tolerate missed waterings

Size: To 10 feet tall

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Majesty Palm

Instant impact is what you get when you add a majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis) to your home. These popular plants offer both style and grace in one package, producing elegant, arching fronds of bright green foliage. Majesty palms especially enjoy a humid atmosphere, so they're perfect for a bathroom.

Light: Bright direct light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 6 feet tall

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Lady Palm

Requiring less light than other palms, lady palm (Rhapis excelsa) is a multi-stem species that develops thick branches of dark green, fingerlike fronds. Because lady palm is so adaptable, it works well in any room, and is often used in offices and shopping malls, where it thrives happily under interior lighting. Over time, this plant grows wider, so you might need to repot every few years.

Light: Bright indirect light

Water: When soil is dry to the touch

Size: To 5 feet tall

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