5 Houseplants with Colorful Leaves to Brighten Up Your Home

5 Houseplants with Colorful Leaves to Brighten Up Your Home

During the cold winter months, having a verdant indoor jungle can be a welcome escape. In addition to the fresh feel that potted greenery can bring to your home, it can also be a great way to add vibrant color. By using contrasting hues, textures, and shapes, an indoor garden can be just the kick of color your home needs to get you through those drab winter months—and beyond.

Looking to create a colorful home jungle of your own? We're rounding up five houseplant varieties that create a statement whether styled by themselves or as a lush group.

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Aglaonema ‘Golden Fluorite’

Aglaonema, also known as Chinese evergreen, provides incredible foliage color in an easy-to-maintain package—and 'Golden Fluorite' is one of the best varieties. Yellows, greens, and white suffuse the shiny foliage with a beautiful blush of rose-red running down the center of each leaf. Aglaonema can handle the drier air indoors while providing gorgeous color in practically any room of your home.

Because this plant prefers the forest understory in the "wild," it's best to locate it in indirect light, away from the temperature fluctuations of windows and vents. Keep the soil on the moist side, but don't let the plant sit with wet feet, and make sure to empty the saucer after watering.

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Neoregelia ‘Guacamole’

If you're not growing bromeliads yet—especially Neoregelia—you're missing out. Their color variation is unreal, their shape is architectural, and their care is minimal. The 'Guacamole' varietal has stiff, arching yellow-green leaves with intense burgundy bands. It's compact enough to cluster several in a row or showcase it solo on a shelf.

Indoors, neoregelia appreciate plenty of light, which will help keep their color strong. They also love a humid environment, so a pebble tray can be a helpful solution for increasing ambient moisture. As for water, they provide their own cup in the center of their leaves. Fill it each week (dumping any stale water first) and dribble a little on the soil to keep the plant happy.

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Philodendron ‘Birkin’

'Birkin' is a stunning newer philodendron whose creamy, one-of-a-kind variegation appears almost white as it unfurls large pin-striped leaves on an upright plant. The variegation of each individual leaf is dramatically different, adding to its appeal. White may not technically be a color, but the variegation on this plant is so unusual (and so strong) that it still counts in our book. Even better news? The care couldn't be easier. Give the plant bright indirect light and water when the soil is on the dry side.

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Dracaena ‘Harvest Moon’

'Harvest Moon' is a striking Dracaena fragrans that you can showcase on a stand in your dullest corner because it can handle the lower light levels. There, it will bring an architectural presence to the room with golden, strappy leaves that are edged with deep green. Like most dracaena, you can get away with letting the top inch of soil dry out between waterings, but never let this plant get bone dry. It also appreciates any extra humidity you can provide, which will help keep the leaf tips from turning dry and brown.

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Begonia ‘Positively Peridot’

The 'Positively Peridot' begonia is, in a word, stunning. It has acid-green leaves that are deeply lobed and splattered with rich burgundy tones and red margins. The crinkled, somewhat succulent texture is outstanding, and for those close-up shots, tiny light-catching hairs decorate the delicate red margins framing each leaf. Rhizomatic begonias make good houseplants as long as you follow four rules: Keep them away from heating vents; err on the side of dry when watering; don't cover those fascinating textured rhizomes with soil; and give it bright, indirect light.

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